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wonder in a


Project promoter: the National Library of Romania
Project partner: Grafill – Norwegian Organization for Visual Communication
Total project value: 970.000 lei (196.583,10 euro)
Grant value (85% EEA Grants and 15% national budget): 969.800 lei (196.542,57 euro)
Duration: 24 month
Location for project implementation: Romania (Bucharest and Alba Iulia) and Norway (Oslo)

Today the way of reporting to information is changing, as the society enters a new stage of its development. Some theorists predict a mutation from the written word to the image, similar to the revolution brought in the past by printing, as digital civilization became more widespread. The National Library of Romania, following the example of European libraries, sought the balance between the written word and the image, aiming to present the history of book illustration to a wider audience, between old and new, reinterpreting in a contemporary note the old book illustration from his documentary heritage.

The project, implemented in partnership with Grafill - the Norwegian Organization for Visual Communication, aims to contribute to economic and social development through cultural entrepreneurship, addressing illustration in the context of marketing in the book industry within a hub of professionals, through cultural heritage management, using digital technologies, to attract and retain a wider audience, and through cultural cooperation in the creative process between Romanian and Norwegian illustrators.

The specific objectives of the project are:

(1) the development of professional skills for 5 illustrators and 3 curators, through the exchange of knowledge and experience with Grafill experts;

(2) minimum 1000 people, general public and professionals, aware of the importance of written culture for defining national identity, by participating in 6 contemporary art activities: a virtual exhibition with documents from special collections and reinterpretation of book illustration in contemporary art works, followed by projections in Library's spaces in Bucharest and Alba iulia;

(3) strengthening the role of design and illustration in book marketing, by creating a professional hub and the participation of 50 writers, designers, illustrators, editors in workshops and focus groups.

The story of each book, manuscript or incunabula, impresses as much as the illustrations made with care and mastery, starting with the Codex Aureus, which superlatively synthesizes the calligraphic and artistic performances of the Carolingian Renaissance, and continuing with various styles of illustration, on floral, animal, Byzantine or grotesque figures themes. This is the story we will tell in the virtual exhibition or by reinterpreting the book illustrations by contemporary illustrators and transposed into digital art , followed by video mapping and projection in the National Library buildings, in Bucharest and Alba Iulia.

The illustrators will go through experience exchange with experts from Grafill, a professional association of graphic designers and illustrators. One of their creations will be a vision of the future of book illustration. Thus, the project ends with a look into the future, through the topics of discussion launched in the debates at the end of the project: the role of design and illustration in book and library marketing - support or impediment in book sales in Romania.
